Your eCommerce Store’s Target Audience Will Convert With POS Financing from ChargeAfter – Here’s Why

As the eCommerce industry grows, competition becomes stiffer, and online stores have to stand out to attract the attention and conversions of their target audiences. It is easier said than done, however, there are several tools that help the best eCommerce store leverage their brand journey and trigger more sales from their potential consumers. As a result, these businesses see higher average sales values within a work month and greater investment from their customers. In this article, we will discuss how POS financing from ChargeAfter can help your online store generate more conversions and promote business growth. With this digital marketing and financing tool, you will see your conversion rates soar. 

What is POS Financing?

Before we elaborate on the reasons POS financing will promote conversions on your website, we need to understand what the marketing and sales concept is. POS financing refers to an online store’s ability to supplement consumer purchases for customers that may not be in a position to afford the items in the cart. Also known as consumer financing, POS financing, involves facilitating a seamless checkout process for the consumer that encourages them to become a paying customer. 

ChargeAfter is one of the leading POS financing solutions on the market as it offers eCommerce platforms several benefits over and above consumer financing platforms that are already more powerful than traditional financing options. ChargeAfter’s consumer financing platform works with your eCommerce platform to give your customers direct access to capital without having to consult third-party financial institutions. This is one of the many benefits of this POS financing plug-in, and there are many more. Let’s discuss why ChargeAfter POS financing will drive up conversion rates.

Customers Can Get Their Hands on Products Now

POS financing allows customers to order items in their carts immediately and pay upfront and in full. This is beneficial for the business as you receive instant capital on purchase thanks to ChargeAfter’s reputable network of lenders and the customer benefits from making orders sooner rather than later. eCommerce platforms that integrate this consumer financing option experience higher conversion rates as the solution appeal to both spontaneous and considered purchases. Whether they are buying a product on a whim or investing in a lifetime purchase, customers can get products they may have had to forego or save up for easier than ever with ChargeAfter. 

There are Less Financial Formalities

Traditional loans are difficult to process, require credit checks, and often include repayment plans with exorbitant interest rates. ChargeAfter’s POS financing solution eliminates all of these customer inconveniences and, thus, promotes greater conversions as shopping is more readily accessible to consumers. With this consumer financing integration, customers receive personalized repayment plans at zero interest and do not have to pass credit checks in order to receive the financing. The personalization and accessible nature of consumer financing for eCommerce give customers confidence and peace of mind to shop with your online store rather than another. 

More Time to Support Customers

Customer support is critical to achieving higher conversion rates. As consumers filter through your sales funnel, they require attention and that takes time. With ChargeAfter’s POS financing, you can rest assured that the checkout stage of the customer journey is completely covered and automated so that you can place your attention and resources on supporting other areas of their online experience. This will help you manage your leads and turn casual shoppers into frequent buyers for higher conversion rates. 

Positive conversion rates are critical to the success of a business and your online store could raise these rates through the integration of ChargeAfter’s POS financing solution.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

Help Your Customers Design Their Dream Home With Financing for Furniture From ChargeAfter

Whether customers are kitting out their brand new tiny home or moving into a new house, designing their dream home requires investment and consumers are cautious about how they spend when putting together a forever home. Fortunately, interior design and furniture eCommerce stores can attract these skeptical buyers as they make considered purchases with financing for furniture from ChargeAfter

In this article, we explore how retailers can take advantage of the powerful consumer financing solution from ChargeAfter to help customers shop with their stores as they aim to design their dream homes. 

What is Financing for Furniture from ChargeAfter?

ChargeAfter is one of the leading service providers of consumer financing solutions. Consumer financing solutions, or point of sale financing, is a system whereby customers can receive instant financing for their online purchases. ChargeAfter provides a comprehensive network of lenders to businesses that choose to integrate the powerful consumer financing platform. With this platform in place, online interior design and furniture stores can offer their customers seamless access to financing at checkout to purchase their dream home items. Financing for furniture is incredibly beneficial as it allows customers to buy what they want when they want it and online retailers receive payment upfront and in full. 

Below, we explore how your store can benefit from financing for furniture from ChargeAfter as you aim to help customers design their dream homes. 

Give Them Financing On Your Site

One of the benefits of ChargeAfter’s furniture financing solution is that customers do not have to leave your store for financial support. Customers will not have to consult their financial service providers or have to go through credit checks in order to buy their favorite furniture items. Allowing customers to shop your products without having to leave your site keeps them engaged with your brand for longer and more inspired to integrate your items into their dream home. This has the dual benefit of giving them a source of financing that they may need and encourages them to shop other items while they are browsing your store. 

Turn Your Store Into a One-Stop-Shop

Another benefit of furniture financing from ChargeAfter is that the zero-interest repayment solutions entice larger orders from customers. Having eliminated the worry of paying back exorbitant loans on expensive items, your business facilitates a faster time to purchase as well as greater order values. Inevitably, you can shape your business model around being a one-stop furniture store for designing one’s dream home as shoppers can have affordable access to the financing necessary to kit out their entire home in one go. This is possible as ChargeAfter’s system connects consumers with lenders capable of facilitating their unique furniture requirements with no additional payments or interest.

Build More Aspirational Consumers

Furniture retail is a competitive online industry that requires eCommerce platforms to set themselves apart while turning a profit. Through the integration of consumer financing from ChargeAfter, you can inspire more customers through aspirational marketing. This works as those aspirational interior design goals are achievable through the reliable and comprehensive consumer financing plans supplied by ChargeAfter’s lenders to your consumers. You can, as a result, gives customers a greater sense of confidence and freedom when shopping your store and help them achieve the interior that they dream of.

There are many benefits to adopting financing for furniture solutions from ChargeAfter on your online store. Doing so can help your consumers easily achieve their dream home in no time at the best price possible, positioning you as the aspirational leading eCommerce platform for home interiors. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

How ChargeAfter’s Point of Sale Financing Benefits Your Online Retail Store’s KPIs

The biggest and most successful online retail stores have either invested in or are currently in the process of integrating point of sale financing solutions. Point of sale financing is one of the most sought-after checkout plug-ins on eCommerce sites as it allows customers to easily, quickly, and affordably shop with their favorite brands. Online retailers can leverage ChargeAfter’s powerful POS financing solution to share these benefits with their consumers and, in return, boost the success rates of their prominent digital marketing key performance indicators (KPIs). 

In this article, we explore ChargeAfter’s POS financing solution in more detail and discuss how it can benefit one’s retail store’s KPIs.

What is ChargeAfter’s Point of Sale Financing Solution?

ChargeAfter’s point of sale financing solution is a powerful checkout integration that connects customers with lenders that are able to fulfill their financial needs to make a purchase. For example, customers that wish to buy a mattress can utilize ChargeAfter’s POS financing plug-in at checkout to receive loans at zero interest that cover the total value of the item in the cart. ChargeAfter is able to facilitate this seamless and cost-effective financing solution through a large network of prime and subprime lenders. Online stores that partner with ChargeAfter have the freedom to continue business as usual as ChargeAfter ensures successful consumer financing. Whatsmore, payments are made upfront and in full so that the business benefits immediately from consumers utilizing the point of sale financing plug-in.

How POS Financing Benefits Your Businesses KPIs

With a better understanding of ChargeAfter’s POS financing solution, we can now consider the benefits that it offers businesses in terms of supporting the success rate of KPIs. We will assess the need for investing in a consumer financing plug-in based on these findings.

Abandon Cart Rates

Abandon cart rates are a tricky KPI to assess as there is a lot of consumer psychology to consider when assessing the customer’s reasons for abandoning. Customers could have found a better deal elsewhere as they shop multiple stores simultaneously. They could have reassessed their need for a specific product. Or, they may not have been able to afford the product. When it comes to these considerations, online retailers need to assess what they can and cannot control at checkout. With regards to financing, businesses can give consumers the tools to afford their carts without having to drop the price of items and this is done through the integration of point of sale financing. This checkout plug-in should help you decrease your store’s abandoned cart rates.

Average Order Values

Considered purchases are those that involve high consumer investment. Jewelry, cars, mattresses, and other long-term investments require larger consumer capital that customers do not always have access to. Most shoppers have to seek third-party financial support from their service provider and this can be cumbersome and costly when one takes into account interest rates. ChargeAfter’s POS financing platform, however, gives consumers instant access to zero-interest loans at the push of a button on your website. Whatsmore, no credit checks are needed. As a result, businesses that utilize point of sale financing platforms are more likely to improve their average order values as more consumers are willing and able to make large ticket orders. 

Average Order Volumes

Online retailers that utilize consumer financing platforms also experience a greater frequency of purchases. ChargeAfter’s multi-lender plug-in gives businesses access to a broader consumer base as customers who were previously unable to secure financing as a result of credit checks and other hindrances can now easily, comfortably, and confidently shop with retailers that offer consumer financing. With access to a larger consumer pool, online stores will see a rise in their average order volumes. 

In a nutshell, the integration of ChargeAfter’s checkout financing solution will positively affect all of your retail store’s digital marketing KPIs, including abandon cart rates, average order values, and average order volumes. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

The Smartest Ways to Leverage Buy Now Pay Later Magento Solutions from ChargeAfter

Online Magento retail stores need to leverage the latest digital marketing strategies and associated beneficial tools to cut through the clutter and compete in the fierce eCommerce industry. ChargeAfter is a pioneer of reliable and affordable buy now pay later Magento solutions that can give one’s online store this advantage through the integration of their multi-lender platform. The solution is easy to install and comes with comprehensive analytic feedback to secure conversions during checkout and improve key marketing metrics, including average order values and volumes.

This article outlines the smartest ways Magento retailers can introduce buy now pay later financing from ChargeAfter and leverage the platform to drive sales.

Install Buy Now Pay Later Magento from ChargeAfter Today

The most successful Magento retail stores actively deploy new strategies as soon as beneficial tools are available to them. Online stores that do not respond quickly enough to the changing digital marketing landscape may fall behind and lose out on months of potential growth as a result. For these reasons, it is recommended that Magento stores introduce buy now pay later financing as soon as possible. The powerful platform from ChargeAfter can be integrated quickly and businesses can benefit from it in no time with the assistance of the company’s readily available integration engineers. After installation, customers will have instant access to the advantageous consumer financing solutions from ChargeAfter and will be encouraged to purchase sooner rather than later. 

Utilize Data and Analysts Support from ChargeAfter

Magento stores that integrate ChargeAfter’s multi-lender platform benefit from the data-driven and analytical reports that are generated as customers use and interact with the tool at checkout. All ChargeAfter customers receive comprehensive reports on their checkout performance along with recommendations on how to optimize this particular consumer touchpoint to achieve the greatest return on investment (ROI). Analytics is the cornerstone of marketing strategies, and ChargeAfter’s always-available team can supply the data that your Magento store needs to thrive in the competitive online retail space. 

Highlight That Your Store Offers Consumer Financing

The ChargeAfter multi-lender plugin is clearly showcased at checkout with a call to action that encourages consumers to utilize the beneficial platform. That said, you can take your consumer financing support one step further by outlining its consumer benefits and availability on your site elsewhere. You may utilize a pop-up on your homepage that briefly outlines the features and benefits of consumer financing. You may create a blog post that explores consumer financing and what it offers your shoppers. You may launch a series of social media posts that provide more detail on the supportive feature. However you choose to identify the integration of consumer financing on your website is up to you, and doing so will only further encourage consumers to shop with your Magento store. 

Upsell Items at Checkout

One of the greatest consumer benefits of ChargeAfter’s buy now pay later Magento solution is that it allows customers to easily and quickly order larger value items, such as a television set or mattress. This brings us to our last recommendation to leverage the power of consumer financing: upselling. You can install plug-ins at checkout that spotlight specific showcase products that are either similar to those in a customer’s cart or complement their purchasing behaviors somehow. As consumers are able to receive the financing that is personalized and includes zero interest rates, they will be more inclined to add those additional items at checkout. Doing so will help you receive larger order values that will drive sustainable growth.

Buy now pay later Magento solutions for ChargeAfter are available to online retailers and will drive profitable growth of businesses that utilize the plug-in as soon as possible, review key analytics to make smart checkout improvements, highlight the consumer benefits of point of sale financing, and upsell items at checkout. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

How Buy Now Pay Later Hybris eCommerce Solutions Can Support an Omnichannel Strategy

The phrase ‘omnichannel’ has seen tremendous interest recently and it is used to describe a new way of looking at eCommerce. You may have come across the term and know little about it. You may have a grasp of the concept but are yet to determine how to leverage the strategy for your own company. Maybe you do not have the time to invest heavily in a modern and new marketing model. Fortunately, we are here to help make your decisions a little bit easier as we clue you up on omnichannel strategies and how buy now pay later Hybris solutions can support these initiatives to generate profitable growth for your online platform. 

What is an Omnichannel Marketing?

Omnichannel marketing refers to the integration and holistic culmination of all key marketing channels that consumers interact with on their consumer journey with one’s company. Omnichannel marketing includes physical and digital channels, and although online retail stores may not have physical stores, the ability for consumers to interact with one’s store in the real world through activations and other companies can greatly improve the chances of success for a brand. Delivery, for example, is a physical part of an online retailer’s omnichannel strategy that can be leveraged for consumer buy-in through stunning packaging and discount coupon inserts. 

The purpose of omnichannel marketing is to create a seamless user experience at every touchpoint of the consumer journey, making your shoppers’ lives easier and more efficient than ever before. Doing so will encourage your existing audience to return and shop with you again as well as attract the attention of new customers yet to make a purchase. Omnichannel marketing is a modern model that you should consider and invest time to perfect as it showcases brand authority and establishes trust within the competitive online retail space. The best Hybris eCommerce platforms have and continue to develop their omnichannel marketing and this is all the more reason to begin strategizing today.

The Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel marketing offers online retailers several key benefits that we have outlined for your convenience below:

  • Creates a fluid and seamless user experience that reduces the time it takes to make a sale and encourages more discerning consumers to purchase from one’s store
  • Establishes a clear brand identity that is instantly recognizable amongst the clutter in the online retail industry
  • Guides better data and analytics tracking of clearly defined key performance indicators (KPIs) at every touchpoint on the consumer journey.

Improve Your Omnichannel Strategy With Buy Now Pay Later Hybris Solutions

One of the most touchpoints in an online retailer’s omnichannel strategy is the checkout stage. This is where critical your company closes consumer deals and is responsible for driving new customer acquisition and customer retention. The utilization of checkout strategies can greatly support your strategy moving forward, and one such tactic is to integrate a buy now pay later Hybris solution.

ChargeAfter offers one of the most powerful buy now pay later Hybris solutions on the market that is used by successful online retailers. ChargeAfter’s multi-lender platform gives consumers access to financing at checkout according to personalized repayment plans that are not subject to high interest rates. The utilization of this affordable and reliable platform gives your customers seamless access to financing to make purchases big and small, supporting the ease of use of your omnichannel marketing strategy and promoting sales for profitable growth.

The best Hybris eCommerce stores should consider the addition of a checkout financing plugin such as ChargeAfter in order to leverage the seamless user experience that consumers are searching for. Doing so will benefit one’s omnichannel marketing strategy and promote sustainable success in the competitive online Hybris retails space.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

How Online Financing Platforms Offer Great ROI for eCommerce Stores

eCommerce platforms attract the attention of millions of consumers around the world capable and willing to shop online. There is a growing need to implement reliable and powerful marketing strategies in order to stay ahead of the competition and cut through the clutter. Online retail store owners frequently meet with their marketing teams to consider new avenues for growth, and the best eCommerce stores have already considered and integrated an online financing solution. ChargeAfter remains a popular choice among top online stores as it offers the benefits of online financing for both the consumer and business at the most affordable prices.

The following article will explore how, through the integration of ChargeAfter’s online financing solution, you can promote greater return on investment (ROI) for your digital marketing efforts. 

What Makes ChargeAfter the Best Online Financing Provider?

The first question that comes to mind when considering an online financing integration with your eCommerce platform is which service provider to choose. There are a few options available to you, however, ChargAfter remains a strong contender for the many benefits that it offers both your consumers and your business. The following key characteristics set ChargeAfter’s consumer financing model and platform apart from the competition:

Affordable Consumer Financing

ChargeAfter’s integration is one of the most affordable consumer financing platforms on the market that offers the most comprehensive benefits for your customers and your business. The integration itself is cost-effective to deploy directly at checkout and extremely valuable in a financial sense to the consumer. Customers receive access to personalized repayment solutions with zero interest rates. This affordability encourages more shoppers to buy from your store and you will see a significant return on your investment with this budget-friendly online financing platform. 

Easy to Implement and Use

ChargeAfter is one of the most efficient consumer financing plugins on the market. The team is readily available to assist and will fill you in on the quick and seamless signup process. Shortly after chatting and partnering with ChargeAfter, the powerful online financing plugin will be integrated at checkout on your online store. There is little for you, as a business owner, to worry about during the setup process. Within no time, consumers will have access to ChargeAfter’s leading multi-lender consumer financing solution. This easy installation saves you time, and thus money, highlighting the ROI benefit of this platform. Furthermore, the platform is easy to use from a consumer perspective. Shoppers can receive comprehensive consumer financing at the push of a button during checkout without having to leave your website or seek financial support elsewhere. This keeps your marketing funnel tightly contained for greater conversion potential and a higher ROI than other consumer financing strategies. 

How Does Online Financing Compare to Other Marketing Tactics

Online financing should not be considered in isolation of your digital marketing strategy. The feature is an add-on to your existing eCommerce digital marketing that works to support and improve the customer journey, specifically during checkout. As checkout is the most important stage of that journey, having ChargeAfter’s financing solution available will drive sales and increase average order values for greater ROI come the end of a month and financial year. The implementation of this solution can be done quickly and easily to ensure that you are leveraging every aspect of the consumer journey when it comes to your greater digital marketing strategy. Consumer financing forms one of the key components to a successful and profitable strategy. Other tactics and plugins can be added after integration to further support the ROI potential of ChargeAfter’s powerful multi-lender consumer financing solution.

Consider integrating ChargeAfter online financing as it is one of the most affordable and powerful solutions that are easy to install and use. These factors, in addition to its potential alongside other marketing tactics, will ensure that you get the greatest ROI as you deploy your consumer financing strategy. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

The Top 5 Reasons Consumers Shop at eCommerce Stores With POS Financing

POS financing, or point of sale financing, is a modern eCommerce solution that allows consumers to purchase their favorite products online with ease. ChargeAfter is the leading POS financing solution provider and gives businesses access to reliable consumer financing integrations at the most competitive prices. The deployment of ChargeAfter’s multi-lender POS financing plugin can give eCommerce stores a leg up in the competitive online shopping industry and, as a result, drive profitable actions from consumers. 

In the following article, we explore the top 5 reasons that consumers shop with eCommerce stores with POS financing and propose how your company can benefit from the integration. 

1. POS Financing Allows Consumers to Buy High-Value Items

Consumers shopping for high-value items such as a new smartphone, television, mattress, or other expensive product are more likely to purchase from eCommerce stores that offer POS financing. This financing solution gives consumers instant and upfront access to the capital required to place a costly order. If ChargeAfter is integrated with your website or eCommerce platform, consumers can receive financing within seconds at the touch of a button which will appear during the checkout process. The benefit of encouraging consumers to make more high-value orders is that this should reflect as greater average order values when reviewing your key performance indicators (KPIs).

2. There’s No Need to Check Their Credit History

Shoppers that purchase items using POS financing plugins such as that offered by ChargeAfter, do not have to go through any credit checks to receive the capital to make a purchase. By avoiding traditional forms of financing, consumers are able to shop at will without consulting third parties or having their credit history affect that possibility of acquiring a loan. This is exceptionally beneficial for businesses as it gives eCommerce platforms access to a wider consumer base and attracts return customers who may have been previously unable to purchase from you.

3. Minimal to No Interest Rates Attract Attention

Consumers are drawn to eCommerce platforms that offer POS financing as this consumer financing solution is one of the most cost-effective ways to purchase from eCommerce stores. Shoppers do not have to worry about interest rates as ChargeAfter offers consumer financing with zero interest, giving customers more confidence in their next purchase big or small. The lack of interest rates incites more activity on the consumer’s end as products and expensive items become more readily available to them. This benefits businesses as more shoppers are inclined to order valuable items and drive up average order values and volumes. 

4. Repayment Plans are Far More Accessible

Besides avoiding hefty interest rates, consumers benefit from eCommerce purchases with ChargeAfter’s POS financing as the repayment plans are more accessible and tailored to each customer’s unique shopping needs. The ChargeAfter platform connects customers with a lender capable of fulfilling their personal repayment plans, giving shoppers greater control over their purchases. This comes with confidence and online retailers enjoy the benefit of having more consumers willing and able to make upfront payments through ChargeAfter’s network of lenders. 

5. Convenience and Ease of Use

Understanding and improving the consumer journey is critical to the success of an online retail store. Convenience and ease of use are primary factors that determine whether customers feel comfortable and confident browsing your platform. With ChargeAfter’s POS financing, consumers embrace a seamless checkout process that covers their essential financial needs. The simple and easily navigable plugin allows consumers to receive financing within minutes and without having to leave your website. This is additionally beneficial as the longer that consumers are on your website, the more likely they are to buy.

Take control of the consumer journey and get the competitive edge in the online retail industry with ChargeAfter’s POS financing solutions that encourage consumers to order expensive items, attract more purchases with zero interest rates on repayments, and support a seamless user experience.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

4 Reasons Shopping Cart Financing is the Best Way to Generate Greater Monthly Sales

Consumers continue to turn to online retailers for their purchases as the shopping process can be done from the comfort of their homes, is seamless, and deliveries arrive at their doors. While in-store retail has seen a resurgence, the online shopping space still dominates the retail industry and eCommerce platforms need to optimize their stores to cater to the demand. Checkout is a pivotal part of the consumer journey, and shopping cart financing is the solution that online retailers look to generate greater monthly sales in the competitive eCommerce industry. ChargeAfter remains a retail favorite for consumer financing as the plugin’s multi-lender network is efficient, effective, and valuable to the consumer. Furthermore, the integration is a powerful sales strategy at the checkout stage. 

In this article, we explore the 4 reasons shopping cart financing is the best way to generate greater monthly sales.

1. Consumers Don’t Need a Credit Card

ChargeAfter’s shopping cart financing solution allows every consumer regardless of whether or not they possess a credit card to access the benefits of instant financing. This means that more consumers browsing online stores are capable of purchasing products from your eCommerce retail space. The lack of credit checks to receive consumer financing with ChargeAfter encourages consumers to buy, and thus promotes conversions for greater monthly sales. As more and more people avoid credit cards and getting into debt, the companies that leverage ChargeAfter’s multi-lender platform can continue to entice audiences that may be less willing to order online.

2. The Checkout Process is User-Friendly

Shoppers often turn away from eCommerce stores as a result of clunky user interfaces and consumer journeys that don’t meet modern online retail standards. Consumers are looking to buy from retailers that provide a seamless experience from start to finish, and shopping cart financing is a tool that can support more fluid customer navigation. ChargeAfter’s platform is an easy-to-use plugin that appears during checkout, allowing customers to quickly apply for financing at the push of the button. The process occurs almost instantly as consumers are matched with a lender capable of fulfilling their unique shopping requirements. This streamlines the checkout financing process into a user-friendly experience that is conducive to generating greater monthly sales. 

3. Customers Can Make Larger Orders

Large ticket items and costly orders are a great way to drive up average monthly order values. With ChargeAfter’s consumer financing and shopping cart plugin, customers can easily purchase their favorite products as well as more expensive items on their wishlists. This means that over and above the greater sales coming in every month, businesses can leverage more expensive orders to reflect profitable margins. Customers are more inclined to buy larger orders from online retailers with ChargeAfter’s integration as the zero interest repayment plans mean they do not have to invest heavily in purchasing items today. 

4. Time to Sale is Reduced

The time it takes for a consumer to add an item to their shopping cart, arrive at their shopping cart, secure consumer financing, and make the purchase is reduced significantly through the integration of ChargAfter’s shopping cart financing. Consumers shopping with eCommerce platforms utilizing the integration do not have to spend time checking with their financial service provider or seeking financial support elsewhere. The sale can happen instantly and with financing upfront so that shoppers can continue to go about their day without worrying about another obstacle between them and purchase. This quicker time to purchase will reflect greater monthly sales for an online retail store.

Shopping cart financing is the best way to generate greater monthly sales as it gives retailers access to consumers who do not have credit cards, ensures a seamless user experience at checkout, allows customers to easily purchase expensive items, and reduces the time it takes to make a sale. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.