Give Customers a Reason to Buy! Here’s How ChargeAfter’s Electronics Financing Can Benefit Your Tech Store

The tech retail industry is incredibly saturated and eCommerce store owners understand the importance of deploying new strategies to differentiate their websites from the crowds. The key driving force behind any solution is sales, and brands can sway customers in favor of their electronic products by giving them a reason to buy. This involves providing additional value beyond the product and a reasonable price, such as integrating electronics financing from ChargeAfter. In this article, we discuss electronics financing from ChargeAfter and how it can benefit your tech store by promoting customer buy-in.

What is Electronics Financing from ChargeAfter?

Electronics financing refers to specialized consumer financing that gives customers shopping on your eCommerce platform access to the financial aid they require to purchase your electronic products. ChargeAfter enables shoppers to purchase from one’s tech store by giving them on-demand access to personalized repayment plans from a network of trustworthy lenders. Customers shopping with ChargeAfter partners utilize a seamless plugin that funnels them through your checkout process quicker. During this process, a tech store’s customers can access funds and pay for products upfront and in full. 

Why Do Customers Need Electronics Financing?

Considered purchases refer to shopping decisions that are complex and require a longer time to purchase. This type of purchase includes expensive items or investments that require larger sums of money to acquire, such as wedding rings, cars, and electronics. In most cases, customers do not have the money to make these purchases and require consumer financing to fund these purchases. ChargeAfter’s electronics financing eliminates the need for consumers to seek the support of third-party financing providers, such as their bank or another lender. Having access to ChargeAfter’s electronics financing solutions means customers can confidently and easily shop your expensive tech products. 

How ChargeAfter’s Electronics Financing Improves Sales

ChargeAfter’s electronics financing solutions improve tech store sales for the following key reasons:

More Customers Can Shop

Tech stores may struggle to drive sales as items are generally costly and require more customer time investment to make a purchase. Furthermore, some customers are unable to save the cash necessary to make a purchase. With electronics financing in place, online tech stores can provide all consumers access to financing that will allow them to purchase electronic products quickly and easily. Doing so broadens a store’s consumer audience and gives you access to customers who have not shopped with you before. 

Shoppers Can Shop Quicker

Reducing the time it takes to make a sale is critical to the success of tech stores and helps retailers combat the concerns of considered purchasing behavior. With access to on-demand consumer financing, tech store customers can shop quicker than ever and do not have to waste time seeking the services of external financial service providers. This ease of use and faster time to sale generates more sales for tech stores over time. 

Customers Can Buy Expensive Electronics

Customers that have access to electronics financing are more likely to purchase expensive products from your tech store. Instead of having to choose between budget or mid-tier items, customers can easily buy your top-tier products and not have to pay exorbitant interest thanks to ChargeAfter’s zero-interest lending plans. This is particularly beneficial as larger purchases will reflect as greater average order values come to the end of the business month.

Give customers a reason to buy from your tech store instead of the competition with the many benefits of electronics financing from ChargeAfter. Ensure that you target a broader consumer audience, encourage faster times to sales, and enable your shoppers to purchase expensive electronic products in your catalog. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

Why eCommerce Brands With Online Financing from ChargeAfter Beat the Competition

In the modern digital retail landscape, brands need to go above and beyond their competitors to stand out from the crowd and attract consumer attention. There are several ways eCommerce brands can do this including, developing new marketing strategies, redefining the sales funnel, optimizing the web experience, and deploying an omnichannel commerce approach. However, many brands fail to consider the importance of a customer’s checkout experience. This is a critical touchpoint on the consumer journey that goes underutilized by many online retailers. At this point, online financing can help you leverage customer buy-in and drive sales. 

In this article, we discuss online financing in more detail, highlight the best online financing service provider on the market, and showcase why eCommerce brands with online financing from ChargeAfter beat the competition. 

What is Online Financing?

Online financing, particularly point of sale financing, is a loan solution for customers who do not wish to seek the services of a traditional bank. Online financing is an option whereby consumers can apply for financial aid through websites with online financing availability. eCommerce platforms that integrate with one of the many point of sale financing partners can give their consumers access to the funds they require to purchase on the web-store. Online financing solution providers integrate easy-to-use plugins at a website’s checkout page to ensure that all customers have access to the service provider’s network of lenders

Why Choose ChargeAfter’s Online Financing?

Not all online financing service providers were established equally. Some are more reliable than others and offer their services at more reasonable prices. ChargeAfter is one of the leading point of sale financing partners for these reasons. Offering all partners and their customers access to an extensive and trustworthy network of vetted lenders, ChargeAfter delivers superior services in comparison with traditional banks, financial service providers, and other point of sale financing platforms. ChargeAfter’s reliable multi-lender platform is designed to suit your business’s budget and provides eCommerce store owners an incredible return on their investment. 

Why Brands With Online Financing Beat the Competition

The benefits of online financing speak for themselves. eCommerce platforms that integrate the financial solution attract consumers on several levels, whether it is appealing to new consumers who have not been given the same financing support elsewhere, enticing to curios shoppers who are not comfortable with credit checks, attractive to considered shoppers who are browsing for expensive items, or pleasing to return customers that fancy the idea of not having to pay interest on their repayments. Either way, eCommerce platforms that offer these online financing benefits attract more attention from consumers. These websites acquire new customers and retain existing customers as they facilitate a seamless and user-friendly checkout experience with added financial benefits. 

It is important to note that eCommerce store’s that partner with ChargeAfter’s online financing solution receive added value over and above the many benefits of consumer financing solutions. ChargeAfter installs and maintains the operation of the checkout online financing plugin, providers comprehensive feedback and analytics, and offers 24/7 partner support. ChargeAfter is dedicated to empowering eCommerce businesses and their customers with a full-service consumer financing solution that drives sales and promotes sustainable and profitable business growth.

In Summary

Online financing solutions enable shoppers to receive financial aid at checkout without having to seek the services of their financial service provider. This, coupled with the zero-interest repayment plans and no credit checks required, gives customers confidence in shopping with eCommerce brands that offer online financing. Partnering with ChargeAfter can give your business access to these benefits and more as ChargeAfter offers additional support and analytical insights to improve the consumer journey at checkout and generate more sales.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

How Customers View eCommerce Platforms With ChargeAfter’s Point of Sale Financing Solution

Customer acquisition and retention are the cornerstones of successful eCommerce, and business owners would be wise to invest in new strategies to improve key performance indicators associated with these goals. Novel marketing strategies and effective website plugins can help brands deliver a more valuable customer experience that is critical to achieving positive marketing metrics. From improving customer service across the board to integrating a point of sale financing solution at checkout, the best eCommerce brands consider how to leverage every consumer touchpoint. 

In this article, we share how customers view eCommerce platforms with ChargeAfter’s point of sale financing solution and how having it can generate profitable customer acquisition and retention. 

Point of Sale Financing Encourages Brand Loyalty

Improving customer lifetime values is critical to the success of one’s customer retention strategy, and this can generate significant profit over a long period of time. A customer’s brand loyalty drives their lifetime values as loyal customers are more likely to shop with websites that they can trust. It is important then to provide additional features that promote brand loyalty to succeed in the competitive digital retail landscape. Point of sale financing solutions gives return customers access to comprehensive consumer financing at checkout that allows them to purchase products easily and affordably. The multi-lender platform from ChargeAfter can drive greater customer lifetime values as customers are more inclined to make continuous purchases knowing that they are secured with full financial coverage at the best rates possible. 

Consumers Appreciate Better Experiences

Consumers are attracted to eCommerce brands that offer better customer experiences. Consumer expectations derive from experiences with the best brands across the globe, and these customers expect similar experiences when they are shopping with eCommerce brands big and small. It is essential that online stores provide an industry standard of user experience that meets the expectations of these confident online shoppers if they wish to be seen as a leading eCommerce platform. There are several ways to improve the user experience, namely the checkout process with ChargeAfter’s point of sale financing solution. The ChargeAfter plugin integrates at checkout and creates a seamless, easy-to-use financial support solution. This improves the user journey and encourages purchases as a result. 

Shoppers Appreciate the Additional Support

Customers that shop with eCommerce platforms that integrate with ChargeAfter’s point of sale financing solution value the additional customer support that the feature enables on the website. Customers can access personalized financing solutions at the push of a button, receive instant access to funding for their purchases, and benefit from zero interest repayment plans and no credit checks in order to secure a loan. These additional support features mean customers perceive eCommerce platforms as going above and beyond to support their consumers. This, in turn, bodes well for the sales on an eCommerce website. 

There are many reasons shoppers prefer to buy from websites that integrate with ChargeAfter’s point of sale financing solution. From securing instant consumer financing to purchase items big and small to benefit from superior customer service, enjoying a seamless user experience, and not having to seek the support of third-party lenders or their financial service providers, customers perceive brand’s with point of sale financing as superior eCommerce platforms than competitors without the financing option. 

In order to stand out from these competitors, the best eCommerce website owners provide comprehensive, efficient, and effective consumer financing in order to promote sustainable business growth and drive sales. Doing so can give your eCommerce store a leg up and ensure that you are able to deliver an exceptional consumer experience for your shoppers. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

Ways to Improve Brand Loyalty and How Consumer Financing Helps

Acquiring new customers is one aspect of eCommerce, but retaining your existing customers is as, if not more, important to the long-term success of one’s online store. Customer lifetime value refers to the total amount in revenue that a customer generates for one’s business throughout their purchase history with said business. The higher the customer lifetime value, the greater your revenue generation as a single individual has contributed far more than the average shopper. Furthermore, it is less costly to market to existing customers than it is to attract new ones. In this article, we discuss how consumer financing and additional marketing strategies can improve brand loyalty and, as a result, increase customer lifetime values.

1. Optimize Your Customer Service

Customer service is the core foundation of strong brand loyalty and online shoppers support businesses that go above and beyond to facilitate their shopping needs. To improve your customer service, you need to allocate time and resources that you can free up through the integration of consumer financing from ChargeAfter. This checkout plugin provides customers with instant financing to make orders and automates the entire lending procedure. By saving time on the checkout process, marketing teams can focus their attention on customer service. To optimize your customer service, you should automate as much remedial activity as possible. This includes emails marketing, social media chatbots, and other communications. Through automation, customers can receive answers within seconds. This is, however, not to say that you should not have a dedicated and available call center to answer more complex questions. You must retain personal communication alongside automation to maximize your customer service potential. 

2. Showcase Social Proof

A negative review is the difference between a sale on your website or a competitor’s platform. Online shoppers rely on reviews and social proof with every single purchase. It does not matter whether or not they are making a considered purchase or are shopping for groceries, consumers want to purchase from company’s that provide them with the best benefits. Positive reviews allow businesses to show off these benefits and retain customers who may have considered shopping elsewhere. The benefits of positive reviews also lie in the fact that brand loyal customers have great sway over new customers. They become advocates for your brand and products, encouraging greater brand loyalty in the process. Social proof becomes a key cyclical brand loyalty strategy that businesses can invest in through the implementation of a review strategy.

3. Encourage Customer Feeback

Online shoppers respond extremely well to brands that take the time to listen to their concerns and those that make an effort to resolve issues. Customers want to know that brands are listening to them, lead by real people who care for their consumer needs, and action the strategies that the communities call for. The need for customer feedback is essential if you wish to grow a brand loyal community, and eCommerce companies should not overlook the power of customer communities. You may set up a feedback collection method through your website or social media pages, post polls for real-time tracking, or enter conversations of groups and forums to discuss your services and areas of improvement. Honest marketing is the best medicine for online stores and will help leverage profitable brand loyalists. 

In order to improve brand loyalty and ensure long-term sustainability, online store owners must optimize their customer service features, highlight and market social proof such as reviews, and invite customer feedback for operation optimization. These three steps should give you an advantage over the competition and position you as a community-focused brand.

How to Promote Sales at Checkout With Online Financing from ChargeAfter

eCommerce continues to see consumer interest as online shopping becomes more widely available, accessible, and easy to use. As online shopping prospects become more promising, brands have taken to platforms like Magento, WooCommerce, and Shopify to leverage the rising eCommerce statistics. With stiff competition threatening the success of online retail businesses, marketing teams and company owners must consider the addition of modern marketing strategies and online financing. In this article, we explore how online financing and marketing can promote sales at checkout. 

1. Create a Mobile-Friendly Experience

Online shopping has become easier than ever as consumers turn to their mobile devices to browse eCommerce stores and purchase their favorite products. A seamless mobile experience is essential to the success of one’s online platform as the increase in mobile shoppers demands better consumer journeys. Consumers want access to fast checkout processes that don’t waste time. The key ways to create a mobile-friendly experience and answer these consumer concerns are to increase your website’s load time, utilize responsive web design, integrate quality payment gateways, and use auto-fill features for easy detail input.

2. Promote Online Financing Solutions

Online financing, specifically the solution from ChargeAfter, is critical to the success of one’s online store. These add-ons and plugins promote sales at checkout as they provide many customer benefits. ChargeAfter deploys a multi-lender network on eCommerce platforms that gives consumers access to a wealth of willing lenders capable of fulfilling their unique consumer financing requirements. Within minutes, customers can receive the funds necessary to make an instant payment on your website. Customers benefit from instant purchases and businesses benefit from upfront sales at checkout through the integration of online financing from ChargeAfter.

3. Upsell Products at Checkout

The checkout process is another opportunity to make a sale and many eCommerce stores fail to leverage their platform’s upsell features at this step. Upselling involves showcasing specific products consumers have not yet checked out while they are browsing their carts and deciding whether or not to make the purchase. Upsell strategies include marketing items that are related to those in an individual’s cart, displaying products that may complement those in their cart, and showcasing the top-selling products that other customers have bought. Upselling products at checkout may also involve a purchase notification that displays what customers are buying in real-time to other shoppers on the website. These strategies, of which there are many, will entice sales at checkout and assist online financing and other marketing tactics. 

4. Improve Shopping Security Features

Consumers are more likely to purchase from websites that showcase shopping security features. Whether it’s a Norton Online Shopping Guarantee or other security feature, shoppers feel confident buying from platforms that provide customer protection at checkout. The most successful online retailers display these security features clearer to give customers peace of mind and promote sales at checkout.

5. Decrease Steps to Sale

Finally, online retail store owners and their marketing teams need to drastically reduce the time it takes for a consumer to make a purchase. This step goes hand in hand with creating a mobile-friendly experience as most modern marketing strategies seek to immerse customers in a fluid and seamless shopping environment that decreases unnecessary actions. For example, customers should be able to travel from your catalog to their cart and make a purchase within 3 simple steps and it should only take a minute or so. Online financing can support this process by eliminating the consumer need to consult a third-party financial service provider. Websites can also reduce the prevalence of pop-ups, for example, to minimize the number of actions that distract from the steps to the sale.

To promote sales at checkout and drive revenue, eCommerce platforms need to have a mobile-friendly experience, promote online financing solutions, upsell products at checkout, improve security benefits, and decrease the time it takes to make a sale. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

5 Tips to Generate Leads With Online Marketing Strategy and POS Financing from ChargeAfter

eCommerce statistics reveal a rise in online shopping following the ease of lockdown restrictions and the increase in confidence of consumers. Online stores continue to dominate the marketplace as a reliable and easy way to shop and to cut through the competition, businesses must promote lead generation with marketing and other strategies such as POS financing at checkout. In this article, we explore 5 critical tips to generate more leads and suggest ways that POS financing can support your marketing and acquisition of new customers. 

1. Ease Checkout With POS Financing

Converting new leads is a critical step in the sales funnel that will increase revenue generation for one’s eCommerce platform. Shoppers who browse your store will be enticed to become converted leads if you deploy modern checkout strategies such as POS financing from ChargeAfter. ChargeAfter’s powerful solution is a checkout plugin that utilizes a reliable multi-lender network to provide customers with access to financing to make a purchase. The integration offers several benefits to your customers, including low APR plans, personalized and tailored repayments, and requires no credit checks to complete an application process. Shoppers are encouraged to become profitable leads with POS financing at checkout from ChargeAfter because of these benefits, promoting sales for the business and sustainable profit generation. ChargeAfter also provides comprehensive support and analytical reports to optimize and improve checkout for seamless shopping and faster lead generation.

2. Create Clear CTAs

With your platform established and POS financing integrated at checkout, you must focus on creating clear calls to actions, or CTAs, that drive traffic to the intended outcome. Lead generation involves encouraging consumer buy-in as a result of attraction to CTAs, so one cannot forego the necessity to unpack a strong CTA. CTAs will feature on your website, social media pages, and other digital marketing platforms to initiate your sales funnel and filter leads from browsers to buyers. 

3. Utilize Paid Digital Marketing

Paid digital marketing is crucial to lead generation and many marketing platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, have made it possible to generate leads through advertising management tools. Businesses should deploy several ads across various tools and set the campaign objectives to lead generation, as this aligns with the business goal of driving traffic to the website. This will supply you with an influx of potential leads that may fill out forms to become subscribers or purchase immediately thanks to access to POS financing from ChargeAfter. 

4. Improve Organic Search 

Online stores must implement SEO or seek the services of an SEO expert to optimize their website for search. Organic search is extremely powerful as it enables businesses to focus on specific searcher intent and leverage consumers at the buying stage of the sales funnel. Through keyword strategies, backlinking opportunities, and pay-per-click (PPC) Google ads, eCommerce platforms can appear top of the search results and outshine competitors. This will help you leverage organic leads and potential shoppers. 

5. Optimize Web Experience

Shoppers are unlikely to buy from your store if your web experience is not optimized. Beyond search optimization, eCommerce brands must create a fluid and easy-to-navigate website that is responsive on all devices. The web experience should be simple and efficient, and POS financing from ChargeAfter can ensure that the checkout process is quicker than ever. 

To generate leads, eCommerce platforms must utilize digital marketing and POS financing at checkout from ChargeAfter. The ease of use, integration of strong CTAs, utilization of paid advertising, implementation of organic search optimization, and development of better web experiences will drive traffic to one’s site, promote lead generation, and convert browsers into buyers. 

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

5 Benefits of Buy Now Pay Later Bigcommerce Solutions for Your eCommerce Platform

Buy now pay later Bigcommerce solutions will soon become a staple checkout plugin as they are currently being used by the most successful online retailers on the platform. Integrating consumer financing at checkout is proving invaluable in the modern marketing world as shoppers become more confident and skeptical with how they spend their money online. In this article, we highlight the 5 primary benefits of buy now pay later Bigcommerce solutions for your eCommerce platform and showcase how you can integrate the leading consumer financing solutions to leverage them.

1. Increase Average Sales

The integration of buy now pay later consumer financing solutions will encourage greater sales on one’s online store during the month. This is because consumers shopping in these stores have quick and easy access to reliable lenders at the push of a button. Reducing the time it takes for a shopper to make purchasing decisions is critical to the success of your sales, and consumer financing can facilitate this efficient customer journey at checkout.

2. Promote Large Ticket Orders 

Customer financing allows consumers to purchase more expensive goods or order larger carts. This is because consumer financing connects customers with a network of lenders capable of offering zero-interest repayment solutions. Customers can have instant access to the capital necessary to purchase expensive items and this will, in turn, drive up your average order values come to the end of a business month.

3. Sell to New Customers

By providing buy now pay later Bigcommerce solutions, you can capitalize on customers that may have been previously unable to shop with your online store. Whatever the reason, consumers can now access funding at the push of a button without having to leave your website. These customers can now make purchases big and small on your website, helping you tap into a market untapped until now.

4. Retain Existing Customers

One of the many benefits of consumer financing is its ability to support your existing customer base. Acquiring new customers is half of the job while securing long-term investment from loyal buyers is arguably more important in the competitive eCommerce landscape. Customers that arrive at checkout and are now able to receive consumer financing are more likely to continue purchasing from your store as they do not need to consult third-party financial providers to acquire financing. 

5. Reallocate Time

With consumer financing handled by the service provider, business owners and marketing teams can focus their attention elsewhere. Whether it’s improving customer support strategies or developing a novel user experience or competition, freeing up time to allocate to other operations will help your business grow.

Experience the Benefits of Buy Now Pay Later Bigcommerce With ChargeAfter

Choosing to integrate Buy Now Pay Later Bigcommerce solutions is the first step to consider when searching for tools to optimize your eCommerce platform’s checkout process. But, before you do so it is important to consider the options available to you as there are several consumer financing solution providers on the market. ChargeAfter has made a name for itself as one of the go-to consumer financing solutions for Bigcommerce retailers as the company goes above and beyond to facilitate seamless integration and a superior customer experience with consumer financing at checkout. The inclusion of comprehensive analytical reports, full-service customer support, and quick delivery of the most reliable network of lenders ensure that ChargeAfter is able to deliver a superior buy now pay later Bigcommerce solution.

If you wish to find out more about the powerful multi-lender platform available from ChargeAfter and leverage the many benefits of consumer financing outlined in this article, you can contact the team today by clicking here

What Do Your Customers Gain from Online Shopping With Point of Sale Financing From ChargeAfter?

At the core of one’s online store’s success is the customer and eCommerce platforms need to consider new ways to attract and retain a profitable consumer base. With so many marketing strategies available to business owners and their marketing teams, it can be tough choosing a tool to maximize efficiency and drive greater return on investment. That said, point of sale financing solutions are experiencing an increase in interest as the number one integration for checkout to drive sales. This is because point of sale financing, like the platforms that ChargeAfter offers, provides customers with the benefits that we outline in this article.

Instant Gratification With Point of Sale Financing

Online shoppers demand greater eCommerce experiences that allow them to shop quickly and easily. Instant gratification remains a cornerstone of this consumer psychology concept and eCommerce stores would benefit from offering their customers a tool that facilitates this on-demand shopping need. Point of sale (POS) financing from ChargeAfter is an integrated plugin that gives one’s customers access to instant consumer financing solutions at the push of a button. As a result, customers can shop their favorite products immediately and do not have to save for months until they are able to buy. As your customers gain the advantage of instant gratification with your platform, they will more likely turn away from competitors that lack the ability to do so.

Access to Costly Products

In the same breathe as the need to deploy instant gratification strategies, integration with ChargeAfter gives your customers access to products that they may have been previously unable to purchase. As more and more buyers spend time online making considered purchases, the more an eCommerce platform runs the risk of losing out on a sale. With items such as electronics and mattresses, customers shopping with platforms that utilize ChargeAfter can access these costly products with limited repayment concerns as the zero-interest policy lenders are the most affordable loan providers on the market.  

Better Customer Service

Over and above a seamless checkout process that allows customers to purchase goods immediately as well as carts that feature expensive items, ChargeAfter also helps eCommerce owners allocate time and money to other areas of business. With consumer financing at the checkout process managed by ChargeAfter’s helpful plugin, eCommerce teams can focus their attention on providing their customers a higher level of customer service. Quality customer service is a fundamental building block of brand success and an area that you can leverage more easily through the integration of ChargeAfter.

Personalized Brand Experiences

In the modern world of marketing, customers demand personalized brand experiences that set competitors apart from one another. The benefit of ChargeAfter integration is that the platform itself offers personalized repayment solutions depending on the preferences of each shopper. This, coupled with the benefit of applying no credit checks, means that your customers can enjoy a personal experience with your brand that facilitates their unique shopping requirements. Whatsmore, checkout personalization handled by ChargeAfter frees up time for you to personalize other areas of your consumer’s brand experience. Whether it’s delivery solutions or competition rewards, you can drive greater customer retention and acquisition through personalization at every consumer touchpoint. 

The integration of ChargeAfter with one’s eCommerce platform supports business through increased sales and other key metrics. This is because customers gain the benefits of instant gratification, access to expensive items, better customer service, and personalized brand experiences. The combination of these three benefits should help your website see an influx of new customers as well as the retention of your loyal consumer base for higher customer lifetime values

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.