From personalization to social media store integration, take your marketing to the next level with these top five digital marketing tips for eCommerce stores with waterfall consumer financing.
1. Personalize Your Customer’s Experience & Introduce Waterfall Consumer Financing
Personalization is the name of the game in the modern eCommerce, or me-Commerce, environment. Every aspect of the online shopping experience can be personalized, from showcasing customer names when browsing to sending birthday coupons, promoting items related to their interests, and encouraging feedback to hear what they have to say. Double-down your personalization efforts with waterfall consumer financing from ChargeAfter. This financing plugin provides your shoppers with access to lenders that tailor loan plans according to their shopping needs. Depending on their orders, customers can receive comprehensive financial coverage without having to go through credit checks. Furthermore, these payment plans come with no interest on loans. This encourages purchases while also ensuring that every customer’s unique shopping requirements are met when they arrive at the checkout.
2. Invest in Public Relations and Distribution
Public relations management is crucial to eCommerce success as digital magazines can attract new customers to websites and encourage purchases. From blog articles featuring on the best journalism sites to backlinks to your store via social media content on news platforms, you can leverage the power of public relations to improve your digital marketing efforts. Distribution channels also include guest posting, which is a great way to drive new traffic to your website of the audience of another popular platform as well as grow your SEO results.
3. Integrate Your Store With Social Media
Your eCommerce store should not only sell your products via a website but also utilize social media’s selling platforms for greater revenue potential. Meta’s primary platforms Facebook and Instagram enable product selling via their business profiles and pages. You can embed your store into every aspect of your socials to diversify your sales channels as well as attract audience members who are returning customers. Customer retention is essential to eCommerce success, further emphasizing the need to integrate your store with social media.
4. Build a Better Email Database
An email database is essential for driving return visits to your website as someone who is willing to provide their email address for notifications is particularly interested in your products or services. In this day and age, it is vital that you inspire email sign-ups with beneficial lead magnets like free resources or discounts available upon sign up. To integrate a successful email marketing campaign, you need to start with building a better email database. This database will become one of the cornerstones of your customer loyalty and retention strategy.
5. Take Advantage of Video Marketing
Video content, from long-form YouTube videos to short-form reels, has become a mainstay in the modern digital marketing world for eCommerce stores. No matter what products or services you sell, you should take advantage of video marketing to diversify your audience base, attract new visitors, and build a unique presence on video content platforms. You can incorporate influencers to build your video content, collaborating with popular social media users to tap into their audiences. They can become the spokespeople for your brand, driving great traffic through consumer advocacy. You should also have branded video content on your pages that are search engine optimized to further your reach. To double down on your video marketing efforts, be sure to post your content on Pinterest as this platform is a highly beneficial but underused sales avenue.
Personalize your customers’ experiences, build your database, and take advantage of more of these five digital marketing tips for eCommerce stores with waterfall consumer financing.