Why ChargeAfter’s Buy Now Pay Later Platform is the Most Powerful Checkout Plugin for WooCommerce

Jul 16, 2021

WooCommerce retailers are experiencing an increase in traffic as more consumers turn to online shopping, therefore, online stores need to integrate powerful plugins and surge strategies that encourage these savvy browsers to become actual buyers. There is an endless amount of tools available to WooCommerce store owners and, with so many options on the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Each plugin comes with its cost and business owners need to analyze the plugin’s ability to boost return on investment (ROI) potential versus the investment. In most cases, the implementation of a buy now pay later platform facilitates a faster time to purchase and drives up average monthly sales. These consumer financing solutions should be the first point of plugin interest as they increase the likelihood shoppers will buy when they arrive at the checkout stage in their consumer journey – ensuring your business makes money.

In this article, we will elaborate on why buy now pay later platforms are the most powerful checkout plugins for WooCommerce and suggest how you can benefit from them with ChargeAfter’s multi-lender platform.

Why are Checkout Plugins Important? 

The checkout stage in the consumer journey is the most important part of a sales strategy as this is the point in one’s marketing funnel where browsing customers become buying shoppers. For this reason, online stores need to create a seamless checkout process that provides benefits to customers beyond a reliable payment gateway with multiple payment options. This is where buy now pay later checkout plugins become essential.

These powerful platforms give one’s business an advantage over the rest as customers have access to instant consumer financing without the need to get involved with a third party or their bank. Offering a platform of trustworthy lenders, ChargeAfter can help your WooCommerce store offer your customers access to zero-interest financing solutions for their purchases. As a result, more consumers are likely to buy from your store and are also capable of purchasing large ticket items, such as their dream home furniture for example. This, in turn, increases your average monthly order values.

Why Buy Now Pay Later Financing Works!

With the benefits in mind, here’s why buy now pay later financing actually works:

  • Consumers feel valued: shoppers trust and buy from online stores that offer services over-and-above the general shopping experience. ChargeAfter’s consumer financing platform is a value-added plugin that gives consumers personalized loan solutions. This personalization ensures that each consumer receives a plan tailored to their needs, showcasing that your online store values them as shoppers.
  • Consumers return more often: another incredible indication that buy now pay later platforms actually work at checkout is the rate at which customers return to buy from your store. You will see an increase in these figures as more shoppers are aware of the seamless access to interest-free financing for their orders big and small.

Buy now pay later financing from ChargeAfter is effective because it answers a critical pain point modern shoppers face when they arrive at checkout after browsing WooCommerce stores. The ability to offer your shoppers comprehensive and budget-friendly consumer financing is extremely valuable to those buyers, securing your place as the go-to store for their shopping needs.

Should You Choose ChargeAfter’s Consumer Financing?

Choose ChargeAfter’s consumer financing platform and enjoy the wealth of sales-driven benefits today, from increased average monthly order values to higher rates of return shoppers. There is no end to the benefits of adopting this powerful checkout plugin, and your WooCommerce store will set itself apart from the rest with the integration of affordable multi-lender options. Both your business and consumers can experience the joys of zero-interest point-of-sale financing, helping you and your community grow with one another.

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About the author
Chris Lloyd
“ChargeAfter is amongst our top rung of partnerships, and they enable us to deliver consistent. The conversion uplifts ChargeAfter creates helps drive strong value for DXL Group and our customers.”