The Top 5 Reasons Consumers Shop at eCommerce Stores With POS Financing

Sep 10, 2021

POS financing, or point of sale financing, is a modern eCommerce solution that allows consumers to purchase their favorite products online with ease. ChargeAfter is the leading POS financing solution provider and gives businesses access to reliable consumer financing integrations at the most competitive prices. The deployment of ChargeAfter’s multi-lender POS financing plugin can give eCommerce stores a leg up in the competitive online shopping industry and, as a result, drive profitable actions from consumers. 

In the following article, we explore the top 5 reasons that consumers shop with eCommerce stores with POS financing and propose how your company can benefit from the integration. 

1. POS Financing Allows Consumers to Buy High-Value Items

Consumers shopping for high-value items such as a new smartphone, television, mattress, or other expensive product are more likely to purchase from eCommerce stores that offer POS financing. This financing solution gives consumers instant and upfront access to the capital required to place a costly order. If ChargeAfter is integrated with your website or eCommerce platform, consumers can receive financing within seconds at the touch of a button which will appear during the checkout process. The benefit of encouraging consumers to make more high-value orders is that this should reflect as greater average order values when reviewing your key performance indicators (KPIs).

2. There’s No Need to Check Their Credit History

Shoppers that purchase items using POS financing plugins such as that offered by ChargeAfter, do not have to go through any credit checks to receive the capital to make a purchase. By avoiding traditional forms of financing, consumers are able to shop at will without consulting third parties or having their credit history affect that possibility of acquiring a loan. This is exceptionally beneficial for businesses as it gives eCommerce platforms access to a wider consumer base and attracts return customers who may have been previously unable to purchase from you.

3. Minimal to No Interest Rates Attract Attention

Consumers are drawn to eCommerce platforms that offer POS financing as this consumer financing solution is one of the most cost-effective ways to purchase from eCommerce stores. Shoppers do not have to worry about interest rates as ChargeAfter offers consumer financing with zero interest, giving customers more confidence in their next purchase big or small. The lack of interest rates incites more activity on the consumer’s end as products and expensive items become more readily available to them. This benefits businesses as more shoppers are inclined to order valuable items and drive up average order values and volumes. 

4. Repayment Plans are Far More Accessible

Besides avoiding hefty interest rates, consumers benefit from eCommerce purchases with ChargeAfter’s POS financing as the repayment plans are more accessible and tailored to each customer’s unique shopping needs. The ChargeAfter platform connects customers with a lender capable of fulfilling their personal repayment plans, giving shoppers greater control over their purchases. This comes with confidence and online retailers enjoy the benefit of having more consumers willing and able to make upfront payments through ChargeAfter’s network of lenders. 

5. Convenience and Ease of Use

Understanding and improving the consumer journey is critical to the success of an online retail store. Convenience and ease of use are primary factors that determine whether customers feel comfortable and confident browsing your platform. With ChargeAfter’s POS financing, consumers embrace a seamless checkout process that covers their essential financial needs. The simple and easily navigable plugin allows consumers to receive financing within minutes and without having to leave your website. This is additionally beneficial as the longer that consumers are on your website, the more likely they are to buy.

Take control of the consumer journey and get the competitive edge in the online retail industry with ChargeAfter’s POS financing solutions that encourage consumers to order expensive items, attract more purchases with zero interest rates on repayments, and support a seamless user experience.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us here.

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Chris Lloyd
“ChargeAfter is amongst our top rung of partnerships, and they enable us to deliver consistent. The conversion uplifts ChargeAfter creates helps drive strong value for DXL Group and our customers.”