Are you preparing to transform your lending solutions?

Navigating the intricacies of consumer lending, especially in the realm of POS financing is no small feat. This white paper sheds light on the risks, opportunities, and challenges inherent in managing and scaling a point-of-sale financing program.

Through a deep dive into the current state of US banks and the pivotal role of consumer lending, we provide insights and strategies for financial institutions to thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.

Mastering POS Lending: A Strategic Blueprint for Banks 2024

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What you will learn


Context & priorities
Perspectives dominating banks’ approach to consumer financing.
Banks’ strategies to enter consumer finance
How banks must adapt and innovate to meet changing customer demand.
The consumer finance blueprint
Every facet of a consumer finance program for banks as a roadmap to success.

About ChargeAfter

ChargeAfter is the white-label embedded lending hub trusted by top-tier banks. Banks and lending financial institutions harness ChargesAfter to seamlessly create, manage and distribute any lending product for merchants and their customers in a single platform.

ChargeAfter Consumer financing