How Jerome’s Furniture transformed their consumer financing

Consumer financing at the point of sale has become a crucial factor in buying decisions, particularly in the furniture industry where purchases can be substantial. However, many retailers face significant challenges in meeting the rising demand for POS financing. That’s why we created this case study.

Download the case study now to discover how Jerome’s Furniture upgraded its financing offer to improve the customer journey and increase revenues – and how you can too.

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What you will learn

from Jerome’s Case Study

The challenge
Meeting consumer demand
for point-of-sale financing.
The solution
Transforming the customer experience with point-of-sale financing.
The outcome
A 67% surge in customer financing with ChargeAfter.

About ChargeAfter

ChargeAfter is the leading embedded lending platform for point-of-sale financing. We help top-tier merchants deliver seamless access to personalized financing choices – in-store, on line, or wherever your customers shop.

With full omnichannel coverage and advanced post-sales capabilities managing POS financing has never been easier. In a single application, customers apply to multiple lenders and are matched to the best-fit financing options through a waterfall finance model, driving up to 85% approval rates. Merchants benefit from easy post-sale management, control, and insights on a single platform.

ChargeAfter Consumer financing