ChargeAfter YouTube Channel: Visa is Turning Your Card into an Installment Powerhouse

Dec 12, 2022

Arvind Ronta, the Global Head of Installments at VISA, discussed in an interview at Money 20/20, how the company is revolutionizing the way cards operate and positioning itself as the industry leader in installments.

VISA seeks to provide a platform that will enable banks to offer installments at the point of sale more effectively as consumer financing and BNPL services change. By connecting lenders with a vast number of merchants, they can global acceptance, allowing the Buy Now Pay Later loan to be used anywhere. FinTechs, such as ChargeAfter, play a significant role in expanding BNPL and consumer financing options and giving merchants the opportunity to provide it in all types of point of sales – ecommerce, in store and call centers.

As banks began to work with BNPL white label platforms of FinTech companies, they gave merchants shops the option to offer various branded financial services, which all encourages the development of embedded finance. Visa strives to offer a platform and a product that both consumers and business owners will enjoy and use.



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